Tired of long online meetings that can be shorter? — Try this hack


So what would you call a long online meeting? — a 30 minute meeting that drags on for an hour? or any meeting that exceeds the 1hr mark?

Well, statistics suggest that average meeting time last between 31 to 60 minutes,  but that doesn’t mean 30-60 minutes meetings can’t be too lengthy.

We believe any meeting that could’ve been wrapped up in a lot less time if it were better ‘time managed’ is a long meeting.

That’s because time management is key, especially if one speaker goes off topic for a big chunk of the meeting making it longer and LESS productive.

Today, we’ll let you in on a simple (and powerful) time management hack that’ll drastically reduce the time (and cost) of your online meetings.

You can read more about how much long online meetings cost your organisation here.

How to make long online meetings shorter?

You’ll need:

  • To define your meeting’s purpose
  • Use an online meetings agenda timer.


  1. Using your online agenda timer plan your meeting’s flow ahead and time-optimise it to serve it’s purpose. (ex: 5 min introduction, 5 min speaker 1, 10 min brainstorming, etc.)

  2. Assign timed speaking slots to each participants.

  3. Leave 5 minutes towards the end for longer sessions to stay ahead of your meeting’s end time.
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The advantages of using an online meetings timer:

  1. Improve meeting productivity: Using an online agenda timer limits the chances of your meeting going off topic, thereby improving it’s productivity and results.

  2. Host more organised meetings: By defining the meeting’s structure beforehand your meetings will become more organised, giving everyone the change to contribute without being interrupted or taking the meeting off track.

  3. Reduce time and cost: You’ll notice right away how much valuable time you’re saving for your entire team, which can be better put towards more urgent tasks.

    You’ll also reduce your meeting’s cost which can be calculated by average salary per hour/per employee over meeting’s time.

  4. Prompt speakers to prepare better ahead: By assigning timed speaking slots speakers will better prepare their notes and presentations before the meeting, which will help make your meetings more concise and to the point.

  5. This will also help participants  know where the meeting is at throughout the session, especially late joiners.

Blog: Help everyone know where the meeting is at throughout the session.

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